Abalone, Pearls & a Girl's Wish

Documentary about a girl who voices out for the sea


A girl who likes mermaids and pearls refuses fairy tales andvoices out to save her true love of hometown and the sea from anindustrial zone plan.


Khairiyah, a teenaged girl and a Muslim minority from a fishingcommunity who likesmermaids and pearls refuses fairy tales and usesher voice to save her true love of her hometown, her people and thesea.Through her journey of sea reservation since 8, helping herpeople won a trial on an unjust arrest over a peaceful protest with hervdo record evidence at 15, Khairiyah steps up as a front activist at 17and now at 19 she is known and praised internationally as anenvironmental activist who fights fearlessly against the Thaigovernment’s “(Chana) New Engine of Industrial Zone” plan to beconstructed upon her beloved hometown.With all responsibilities as an activist, Khairiyah still figures outcollege application, works (in her case, helps her parents fishing andselling fish in the market) and dates just like other teenagers.Her storyis a coming-of-age girl-empowering true events of thisgeneration who are facing fatal environmental issues such as globalwarming.